Five Tips to a Healthier You

Your mental health and physical health work hand in hand. For so many years, I purely focused on my physical appearance, without thinking twice about what I needed mentally. Over the last two years I have made changes in my life that have benefited my internal and external health. Here are five tips that have really changed my life.

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Tip 1: Go for a walk first thing in the morning. 

I know we all think we don’t have time, but we have to make time for the things that will benefit our health. Since I’ve included this into my life, I have experienced more energy for the day, a better mood at work, improved digestion and a more restful nights sleep. These are just to name a few.

Whether it is a twenty-minute walk or an hour walk, just getting outside before your day starts is an easy way to improve both your mental and physical health. My tip to encourage this habit would be to put out your gym wear the night before. This holds you accountable as soon as you wakeup to get outside and get moving.

If it is raining outside, an alternative would be doing some stretches first thing in the morning.

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Tip 2: If you eat packaged snacks, read the ingredients list

I know we hear all the time to ditch packaged food, but like many of you I highly rely on them as a quick snack when I have no time to prepare a meal. I am a big believer in eating whole foods the way Mother Nature intended, but I’m also a realist and understand that sometimes this isn’t possible.  

I used to be someone who would only care about the calories. I never realised that certain snacks were made up of an ingredients list I didn’t understand. My stomach was always in pain and I never felt satisfied.

Learning to read the ingredients list of packaged snacks and opting for ones that I understand has really changed my overall health, especially relieving my stomach from aches and bloating. The artificial sweeteners and additives in them didn’t work well with my stomach, and I really don’t think they do for anyone. I would suggest only eating packaged snacks with around six ingredients or less.

My favourite on the go snacks that you can buy at most health food stores are Blue Dinosaur bars (I love the lamington flavour), RX bars and Health Lab protein balls (I love the choc brownie flavour).

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Tip 3: Swap cow’s milk for a plant-based alternative

I know a lot of debate is stirred from this topic, but this viewpoint is from my personal experience.

From about when I finished high school till I was 21, I suffered from bloating, extreme stomach cramps and lack of energy. I am not a nutritionist, but after one month of cutting out dairy, these symptoms went away.

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If you relate to any of these symptoms, I highly recommend switching from cow’s milk to a plant-based alternative for a week and assessing how you feel. As well as this, there are many cases of people’s acne improving once removing dairy from their diet.  

Plant-based milks are also more ethical, sustainable, and in most cases lower in calories when compared to cow’s milk. My favourite plant-based milks include oat, macadamia and soy.

Tip 4: Only follow Instagram accounts that inspire you

Being in the industry I am in, it is extremely hard to not compare myself to other models and influencers. This continuous comparison created unnecessary anxiety for me, and was really impacting my mental health.

I really believe that it is only healthy to compare ourselves to who we were yesterday. Comparing ourselves to anyone else is a waste of energy that could have been used somewhere more beneficial.

Recently, I have un-followed any accounts that don’t make me feel uplifted and happy. Something so simple has changed how I feel dramatically. I am less concerned about what others are doing, and can therefore focus more energy on bettering myself.

Below are two of my favourite accounts, their content inspires me and makes me feel happy. This is how all accounts you follow should make you feel.

Tip 5: Write in a journal, and practice gratitude  

Over a year ago, I started the habit of writing in a journal every night before bed. At the time, I was dealing with some boy drama and my best friend suggested I write how I’m feeling down onto paper. Instead of going over the same thoughts all night, writing them down released them for me and really helped me get through this time in my life.

After this experience, I made the promise to myself to write down my thoughts every evening, as well as ten things I was grateful for. Practicing gratitude has given me a huge relief from my anxiety. It has made me a happier, more appreciative and a more grounded person and I really encourage you to take this up. I would suggest buying a journal from Kikki.K (they have so many cute ones!), and keeping it next to the bed. By doing this, you are reminded to keep this life changing habit up.

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These are five of many tips I want to share. Give them a go, and see yourself become a better person inside and out.

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