How to Find Balance over Silly Season!

I don’t know if it’s just me, but this post covid environment has everyone feeling a little more jolly this silly season. Sydney has been showing off with sunshine most days, and you can really feel the excitement in the air for the Christmas and New Year break.

I really believe in balance when it comes to this time of the year. Eating out, drinking cocktails and having later nights are also ways to fill up your cup, especially after not being able to celebrate for so long. However, it doesn’t mean we have to let out health completely slide out the window.

Here are 5 tips to help you find balance over this holiday break.

1. even if you don’t feel like it, go for a walk

We all know the feeling in the morning after you’ve had a few too many wines. it really makes it difficult to lift yourself out of bed and get moving. Instead of committing to a hard workout such as spin or a HIIT class, commit to 30 minutes of walking as soon as you wake up. Getting fresh air and seeing sunlight are instant mood boosters, and the hangover won’t feel as bad after.

2. Gratitude is a non-negotiable

Gratitude is how I start my morning every single day. Although training and diet can slide over this time, daily gratitude really is a non-negotiable. Practicing gratitude is associated with greater happiness, improved health and just a better overall mental state. This practice also forces you to take 5 minutes of alone time over this busy time!

3. Sweat it out

I speak about my love for Infrared saunas all the time! I feel really lucky to have one at my apartment, it has been my best investment yet. Saunas are a great way to detox and sweat out toxins. I love sweating it out first thing in the morning. I hydrate, meditate and after just 30 minutes I feel like a new person.

Organisation is key when it comes to beating the hangover. If you know you may be having a few drinks at a Christmas party or New Years eve event, I highly recommend booking in a sauna the next day to help reset the body and mind.

4. Swim in the ocean

As hard as it can feel to get out of bed, a swim in the ocean really is your cure to the hangover blues. Not only does the cold water help revitalise you, the ocean if full of salt and minerals that your body absorbs best through your skin. Magnesium, Vitamin D and oxygen will help you feel like yourself again in no time.

I love getting a matcha after a morning swim, it really resets me and puts me in a positive space.

5. Hydrate in the morning

It can be really easy to head out to a boozy lunch and forget to drink water for the entire day (I don’t recommend this but it happens to the best of us!). If I know I am going to have a few drinks during the day, I always make sure to drink two litres of water before 12pm. Alcohol is a diuretic which ultimately strips electrolytes from your body, so the more hydrated you are the less chance of a severe hangover.

Try your best to drink a glass of water after every drink if you can, this will significantly help with the grogginess the next day.

Dominique Faludi