Factors Disrupting Your Gut Health
I am constantly talking about gut health, but it truely is at the centre of our mental and physical health. I live a very fast pace life, travelling a lot, working late hours with early call times. A lack of sleep, stress and other factors have been hurdles I’ve had to overcome. I’ve experienced first hand their impact on my gut even with a healthy diet and adequate supplement regime.
I wanted to share what disruptors may be impacting your gut health. Sometimes it’s about more than just what you put in your body.
1. Lack of sleep
Rest really is the best medicine! Sleep is time for our body to reset and recharge. A lack of sleep can negatively impact the quality of the microbiome. Similarly to sleep, the gut microbiome works off a circadian rhythm. This means when our sleeping patterns aren’t optimal, the health of our microbiome is disrupted, impacting our overall health and immunity.
A nighttime routine helps the body get into deep rest. Reading before bed, no phone after 8pm and a chamomile tea are my non-negotiables. I also aim to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.
2. Stress
As soon as I feel stressed, I can feel my entire digestion change. I can’t eat a thing and if I do I can't keep it in (sorry if that’s too much information!). This is a signal that your microbiome isn’t working optimally and absorbing the nutrients in the food.
Managing stress is a crucial aspect to our gut health. A relaxed state is best for our digestive system. I focus on daily meditation, breath-work and slower movement. I also focus on mindful eating, I am not distracted by my phone and stay as present as I can.
3. Lack of movement
We all know the importance of exercise, but I have recently discovered how important it is for our gut health. Moving our body allows proper blood flow, keeping your muscles healthy and strong. Their are muscles in our digestive system as well. Research has found a significant improvement to gut health after 6 weeks of regular physical exercise.
From my own experience, it really doesn’t need to be vigorous exercise. Walking is incredible for digestion, even just 30 minutes in the morning makes such a big difference.
4. Environmental Toxins
Our gut is highly sensitive to everything we put in and on our bodies. Environmental toxins can be found in plastic, the air we breathe, and beauty and household products. These toxins have a negative effect on our gut microbiome. I recently discovered the app Yuka, and it has helped so much at determining what products are safe to use.
To improve your gut health, I recommend swapping to more natural alternatives when you can. Deodorant and cleaning products are two big culprits, with lots of nasty toxins!
5. Poor Diet
Last but not least, I had to mention diet. The saying “We are What we Eat” couldn’t be more true. Highly processed food has become such a staple in the average persons diet. These foods are high in sugar, causing inflammation and damaging our gut walls.
A diet rich in whole foods, full of fibre and probiotics is so nourishing for our gut. My rule of thumb is that if I wouldn’t be able to make the meal in the kitchen, I’m not eating it. My favourite gut health foods include fish, avocado, seeds and nuts, kimchi and lots of garlic and onion. It’s crucial that we aim to eat foods in their most natural form.